1. Singkatan dari SART?
Jawab: Search and Rescue
Radar Transponder.
2. Fungsi dari SART?
Jawab: For Locating Signal
(Mencari Signal)
3. Frequensi yang digunakan SART?
Jawab: 9 GHz
4. Durasi Battery SART?
Jawab: Stby On = 96 Jam,
Stby Off = 5 Tahun.
Diletakkan di posisi mana SART pada
Jawab: Di pintu Bridge kapal dalam Kiri dan Kanan.
6. Di kapal SART ada berapa?
Jawab: Kapal GT <500
tons = 1 unit, dan Kapal >=500 Tons = 2 Units.
7. Demonstrasikan pengetesan SART?
1. Release Unit from the
2. Switch On, Push the black
button and SART will be STBY mode
3. When the Unit is integrated
by other RADAR, SART will be steady light and beep.
4. To Switch Off, Insert “pin”
into the small hole at rearside of the SART, and push until readable click