1. Apa fungsi Battery?
Jawab: For Emergency Power.
2. Alat apa
untuk mengetahui baik buruknya AIR ACCU?
Jawab: Hydrometer, apabila
menunjukan warna hijau(Masih Bagus), Warna Putih (Sedang), Warna merah (Buruk
3. Jelaskan Perawatan Battery?
a. Surface Battery must be
clean regularly to prevent current leakage between cell
b. The Poles must olso
protected with Non Acid Vaseline to ensure good contact.
c. The battery cell must be
refilled regularly with destilled water
d. Ensure that the Battery are
fully Charged.
4. Berapa
lama kekuatan Battery pada saat emergency?
Jawab: 6 jam